Anahi Mariotti - Portfolio
Site-specific project for APULIA LAND ART FESTIVAL 2017

Ouverture in Rosa - OVERTURE IN PINK

Cured by Helia Hamedani and Girolamo Pizzetti

Saline of Margherita di Savoia
Performer: Elisabetta Serpi Transverse flute
Haystack structure: wood, straw, milk of lime and pigment

Saline seaweed dyes the flamingo pink, in the same way the house takes on its color. A hymn to Salina, to woman, and to the advent of birth. The draining uncovers the womb of waters from which the salt emerges: it is the birth of salt.

The artistic duo through a symbolic house brings back memories of female labor.

The flute evokes with a local lullaby the births that took place in the salt marsh.


Performance installation

Ouverture in pink

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