Anahi Mariotti - Portfolio


Presented at Kou Gallery on the occasion of the RAW Video Art Contest

"LEBANON" is a work made in 2014 and revisited today, in 2020, after the explosion that destroyed much of the city of Beirut.

"LEBANON" is a nostalgic song. It stars Mona Hallab, a Lebanese soprano singer who has experienced firsthand the events that have shaken the country in recent years. At the time of shooting, Monà told of her Lebanon as a divided country, but sang of its immense beauty.

The video attempts to narrate the body as a divided body/nation, whose wholeness we cannot see, the voice as a revolt, a popular revolt, made up of people, stories, and nostalgia: the piece sung by Monà Hallab is a traditional Lebanese song called "Return to my beautiful village."

A divided nation, but a unique and powerful voice.

The video features another figure, who observes, but does not act, does not speak.

"How much do we know in Europe about what is happening in Lebanon today?

It took an explosion to attract the news and then media silence fell again.

How much gets to Italy of what is happening beyond our borders?

And what do we do with what arrives?"

These and others are the reflections intended to flow from the work.

After the nostalgic song, a deep silence, made only of glances.

The two actresses, facing each other, breathe, look at each other but do not touch.

They are two shores of the same sea.

LEBANON is an invitation to look into the eyes of Moná and her Lebanon ... and then take the floor.


Video 3'


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